sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2015

Baucau Old Town Is Heritage of Portugal

Much of the infrastructure of the city and the surrounding area was damaged or destroyed, by invasion of indonesian military during the violence that followed the referendum for independence in 1999. 

Nevertheless, in the old part of Baucau there survive a few relics from the Portuguese , such as large  houses, churches, and public buildings. One of these is the Pousada de Baucau, a large pink hotel whose restaurant offers a magnificent view of the ocean.

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quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015

Air Macau Landing in Portugal Baucau Airport

Historia Aeroporto iha Timor konstrusaun husi  Indonesia  mak hanesan aeroportu  Nicolau Lobato Dili , Aeroportu konstrusaun husi Portugal mak hanesan Aeroportu Baucau no Timor sei halo konstrusaun foun ba aeroportu  iha Suai & Oecusse .

Timor Leste People - Timor Leste City - Timor Leste Tourism - Timor Leste Beaches - East Timor People - East Timor City - East Timor Tourism - East Timor Beaches

quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

Baucau Scenery / Paisajem Baucau Nia

There are two sections to Baucau, New Town and - logically - Old Town. All the interesting bits are in Old Town, which lies below Old Town at the foot of a steep limestone cliff -although still a thousand feet above the sea - and is built around a gushing fresh water spring. A number of very pretty Portugal buildings have survived here in various states of repair.

Baucau Beaches

Venilale Baucau - Hot Spring

Baucau - Matebian Mountain

Baucau New City View to Sea

Unico Arvore do Mar no Wataboo Baucau Timor-Lorosae na Rua Nobel da Paz

Matebean Mountain View from Baucau New City - East Timor

Matebean Mountain View from Baguia - East Timor

Matebean Mountain View from Seical - East Timor

Baucau, Nobel Peace Prize Ramos Horta BirthPlace - East Timor

Ensino Basico Catolica de Baucau - East Timor

Bucoli View to Indonesia island - East Timor

Lovely golden beaches at Baucau - East Timor

Agricultura Salesiano Don Bosco Fatumaca Baucau - East Timor

Baucau Venilale Beauty Natural - East Timor

Baucau Baguia(Belgia) - Taur Matan Ruak's Place , Hero of East Timor

Dom Carlos Belo Nobel Peace Prize birthplace - East Timor

Rocks Matebian Mountain - Baucau East Timor

Baucau Bondura View on Top - East Timor

Baucau East Timor Airport History of Portugal


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